This page explains how you can use some basic html "tags" to add formatting to a page, such as bold print or italics.
<BR> - Adds a line break (if you were to click your Enter key to create a new line in html, your text would be displayed without the line break you specifed, and would instead automatically wrap to fit the width of your page.).
<P> - Adds a paragraph (As shown in the example at the bottom of this page, this tag and each of the tags beneath it are actually two tags... an opening and a closing. These opening and closing tags should surround your formatted text).
<B> - Displays text in bold face
<I> - Displays text in italics.
<U> - Underlines the text.
<SUB> - Slightly lowers the text.
<SUP> - Moves the text a bit higher
<TT> - Displays the text in a monospaced font.
<STRIKE> - Draws a line through the text.
<BLOCKQUOTE> - Displays text in an indented block.
<A HREF="your-link-goes-here.html">Click Here</A> - Creates a link.
Here is an HTML example of the above elements:
<TITLE>HTML Formatting</TITLE>
<B>This is bold</B><BR>
<I>This is italicized</I><BR>
<U>This is underlined</U><BR>
<SUB>This is lowered</SUB><BR>
<SUP>This is raised</SUP><BR>
<TT>This is monospaced</TT><BR>
<STRIKE>This has a line through it</STRIKE><BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE>You can use the blockquote tag to display quoted text in an indented text block. This sample text is an example to demonstrate the use of the BLOCKQUOTE html tag.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<A HREF="your-link-goes-here.html">Click Here</A>><BR>
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