iPhone: Set up your iPhone to check your mail with POP or IMAP

Setting up an iPhone for a POP3 or IMAP email account.

Tap the Settings icon on your iPhone’s home screen. This will bring you to this screen (below).

iPhone Settings

Tap the Mail, Contacts, Calendars icon to get the following screen.

iPhone Email Settings

Tap the Add Account… icon to get the following screen

iPhone Email Settings

Tap Other

iPhone Email Settings

Tap the Add Mail Account icon.

iPhone Email Settings

On the New Account screen, type in the basic details of your account:

  • Name – This is the friendly name that will identify your outgoing emails (e.g. Steve Sant).
  • Address – this should be your full email address for the POP3 or IMAP account.
  • Password – This is the password that was configured for the mailbox (NOT your cPanel password).
  • Description – this is just to help you identify the account in your settings later – call it anything you like.

Tap Next at the top of the screen, which will bring you to the following screen.

iPhone Email Settings

Choose whether you want to connect using POP3 (messages downloaded locally to your iPhone) or IMAP (messages are kept on the server so you can also read them from your home PC/Mac). Just remember if you are using IMAP that you will start using up your user account space quota.

You will need to fill in the following:

Incoming Mail Server

  • Host Name – This is mail.your-domain.com – so if your email address is [email protected], then your mail server is mail.pageuppro.com
  • User Name – The account username is the same as the mailbox email address.
  • Password – This should already be filled in for you, but if not, then enter your mailbox password again here.

Outgoing Mail Server

  • Host Name – Again, this is mail.your-domain.com, the same as your incoming server.
  • User Name – Use the same details as you entered for your incoming mail server, above.
  • Password – This should already be filled in for you, but if not, then enter your mailbox password again here.

Tap the Next button, at the top to verify your settings.

At this stage, you may get this response from your iPhone:

The SSL Certificate on the mail server you are trying to connect to, doesn’t protect the server name you specified

It is likely that at this stage you will receive a Cannot Verify Server Identity warning. This is because the SSL certificate that is protecting your mail server is assigned to the main server name, and not your individual domain. Although you could avoid this error by changing your mail server to ansley.pageuppro.com, that change isn't actually necessary.

iPhone Cannot Verify Server Identity

You have two choices at this point. Continue, and ignore the message, or press Cancel and swith to using a NON SSL connection.

In all respects, it’s probably better to press Continue and ignore the problem. Strictly speaking, this choice means that if you accidentally connected to another server (unlikely) or if you were the victim of DNS poisoning you wouldn’t know about it. However, it’s a more secure choice than going with a NON SSL connection (which is still just as vulnerable to DNS poisoning).

If everything worked out (and in most cases it should), then great! If you still can’t connect to your outgoing server, then read on…

Still got problems?

Advanced Incoming Mail Server Settings

If you need to alter advanced settings for your incoming server, tap the Advanced button at the bottom of the account settings screen :

Advanced Button

This will give you the following screen :

iPhone Incoming Settings

Here you can choose if you want SSL, the type of authentication, and when messages should be deleted from the server, if ever. You can also choose to use a non-standard TCP Port.

Advanced Outgoing Mail Server Settings

If you need to alter advanced settings for your incoming server, tap the SMTP button at the bottom of the account settings screen :

Advanced Button

This brings you to this screen :

SMTP Server Selection iPhone

You should see your chosen server at the top (as your Primary Server). All of the other servers should say Off (unless you are an expert, in which case you really don't need these instructions). Tap on your Primary Server at the top, to bring you to the following screen :

iPhone SMTP Server Advanced Settings

Here you can configure the Host Name, User Name, Password, Use SSL, Authentication method, and TCP Port.

Many large ISPs block you from using SMTP servers outside of their network.

This is usually circumvented by connecting to your mail server using a different Port other than 25 (the default). Change your Server Port to 26 you you should get around the problem.

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